Contact details - please
So that the Secretary can maintain an up-to-date list
of e-mail and "snail-mail" addresses of all Old
Cambrians, please e-mail him with your name, the house you were in, the years you attended the school,
address and
preferred e-mail contact. For those without access to the Internet,
please write to the Secretary (address below).
If your contact details change, please inform the
Please visit and use the Web Site. Fill out
the form on the Web Site so that you can be placed in the Old
Cambrians' Alumni. Send in your latest contact details,
photos, stories so that "old" school pals can share them and
possibly get back in touch with you after all these years. If
you don't have the Internet, post these to the
(Secretary's address:
Avonteur, Six Roads, St. Lawrence, Jersey JE3 1GL, Channel
Islands, British Isles)